SEO by SEOFreeGyan
Start Learning SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

It is a process to optimize a website, for search engine.

It helps websites to achieve higher ranking in a search engine results.

It increases the quality to traffic to a website through organic search results.


Let we have a website and we want many views and visitors on our website.
Without SEO our website is not displayed in the search result.

If you promote your website on search result the SEO is compulsory.

There are many persons having same business like buying car, online shopping etc.

If you want to achieve higher ranking you should hire a SEO analyst or SEO expert for your website handling.

There are many competitors in every business and you want to be out of crowd, so you use SEO for better results.

Process of doing SEO for a project (website)

Take the project from the client.

Visit website of the client and find out what services they provided.

Ask for keywords to the client. Keywords must  be relevant to the                  website services.

After getting keywords from the client you must go for keyword research.

After keyword research you  find out  how much  is the global                      competition and exact competition of the keywords.

Suggest the keywords which have low competition on it.

After finalize the keywords make a title and description for a particular        keyword.

Starting with off-page optimization and working for back-links.

Check on-page SEO score and make changes to improve score of the            website.

Check ranking in search engine for a particular keyword.

Next topic-> Advantages of SEO